If you Vote ME for ASB
Remember when it was that time at the end of the school year when there were posters hanging everywhere around your high school with catchy slogans and glittery decorations for the upcoming election. Then you were shuffled into the gymnasium to hear your fellow peers explain to you why they were the right choice for whatever position they were running for. You may have thought that this was a waste of time, but elementary, middle, and high schools everywhere did this for a reason. This reason was to let you know that you have a voice and an opinion that needs to be heard. For years we have practiced voting, but why is it that when we are given the choice so few people in California actually vote? Well I am here to find out and tell you why you should vote!
The population in California in 2012 was 38.04 million
In the 2012 election there were 13,202,158 votes
This is not even half of the population of California.
Reasons for not voting (2008):
In this pie chart the three most common reasons for not voting in the 2008 election were that the voter was too busy, ill, or not interested.
The United States is a democracy which is a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting. Voting is a method for a group such as a meeting or an electorate to make a decision or express an opinion- often following discussions, debates, or election campaigns. Democracies elect holders of high office by voting.
As of today, any citizen of the United States who is 18 or older can register to vote. However, before, this was not the case.
When the Constitution was written only white male property owners (10%-16% of the nation's population) had the right to vote. However, during the early 1800s, states gradually dropped property requirements for voting. Later, groups that had been excluded previously gained the right to vote. Other reforms made the process fairer and easier, and after a long effort from these reforms anyone over the age of 18 is now eligible to vote. In my opinion, this is an amazing right that we, citizens of the United States, have and it should be something that we take to our advantage because many others in different countries do not have this opportunity. We are lucky to be in a country that allows us to have a say in how we want our country to be lead, which is why we need to take the opportunity to register and vote! Being too busy or not interested is not an adequate reason to not voice your opinion.
You should vote because your opinion matters! Voting gives a person the opportunity to contribute to his/her country. Voting also offers a person more insight on current issues and topics in his/her community. I, personally, would love to get involved with my community, and voting is a perfect way to start. So, do yourself a good deed, and vote in 2016 in order for your country to succeed!
Click on this link below to learn more about your voting rights.
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